April 9, 2011

  • Hey everybody! What's been going on? I saw the movie Rango! I highly suggest it! Absolutely great! As well as HOP! I love them both!


    Go Rango Go!

    HOP is fabulous!

November 6, 2010

  • Keith Olbermann Mess/and other stuff

    I think he has a right to donate to anyone he wants without "approval". MSNBC can cram it man!He will go on. I think he knew what would happen when he did what he did. He's just exsposing MSNBC for being jerks! Keith Olbermann rocks and MSNBC are jerks. This is America and you can do donate who to whomever you want. No permission needed. Go Keith GO!

    I know I haven't written anything in a while. For me that's very unusual. Lots of stuff has been going on. My life has turned super weird. I'll get back in the swing of things. For a while I was devastated because I had no Blackberry phone. Didn't realize you could get so spoiled on those things! But I got a new one. Hurray for me man! laughing I was using a motorola phone a friend loaned me and it had no keyboard. So I had to push the button a few times to get around to the right letter. Drove me nuts.

    Pepy-Roni, the Official KISS dog is doing great! He wishes you all well. I didn't get to go to the Sonic Boom concert. Too much going on. Yuck!

    Things are getting back to normal. I do wish Xanga would get The Pulse mess straightened out. I still can't respond from my phone wich stinks to high heaven man! What kind of deal is that? It use to work. Plus how do you shut them off if you want? There is no way. Unless you guys know.

    This summer there was a toad hanging out on my rosebush. He was sooooo cute! I never touched him because of my fear of warts....no. Not really. Just didn't want to bother him. I liked seeing him. My rose bush is a Peace Rose Bush. They are pretty Tye-Dye roses!

    Pretty huh? Winters here now!

October 29, 2010

  • Halloween!

    I love this movie! It's my favorite. I can't wait till tomorrow night. It will be fun! clueless I have plenty of candy. I always make sure I do because I stay open for business until midnight!

October 14, 2010

  • Don't Buy This!

    Ringtone Media Maker 3 is a ripoff! I bought the downloaded version and a back up cd. It was great until I went to use the backup cd, which is basicly a shortcut so you can buy it again. The help is non existant. BEWARE man!

    Go here and make it for free!:



September 30, 2010

  • Summer Is Almost Over...

    I found Farley a home and already I have a new kitty to work with. His name is Peppers. My neighbor who moved recently planted Peppers in his yard next door and he slept in them a lot. I'll try to get a picture of him. He's kind of skittish as of yet.

    Here's Farley. Remember him? Looking through my pics, I have never posted a pic of him. Tons on my facebook though. He has his own album called "The Farley".

    Here he is all curled up and waiting for a far out home, which he got with far out people. My brother and his wife.

    Here he is sitting on the pathway when it snowed outside.

    He's in great shape. Happy and well fed.